Mike Goggin Mike Goggin

August 2023 RCS

The August 2023 issue of the Round the Capital Square (RCS) newsletter has been posted to the
Newsletters page of the ASRDA website. Check it out.

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Brooke Peters Brooke Peters

Joyce Adams

Attention all Square Dancers - 

Lindon Teague contacted ASRDA to let us know that Joyce Adams, a long time square dancer in the Austin Area, passed away. 

There will be a visitation at the Cook - Walden Funeral Home & Cemetery tomorrow, Tuesday May 23rd in Pflugerville, TX from 4:00 -8:00 pm . The address of the funeral home is 14501 N. IH-35, Phlugerville, TX 78660 (map). 

She is being buried at Ft. Sam and Lindon said it is just going to be a small ceremony for the family.  

Please pass this information on to anyone who knew Joyce.

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Brooke Peters Brooke Peters

Attention all Round Dancers!

Paul and Linda Robinson from Oologa, OK  will be cueing at this year's Mid-Tex Festival instead of John and Karen Herr.  John is having some health issues and unable to travel so Paul and LInda graciously stepped up to fill in.  Paul and Linda have been cueing for 38 years and  have a very impressive resume.  You can read about them on their website at  https://paulandlindarobinson.com

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